The Karbala: Story of sacrifice to save humanity from extinction

The Karbala: Story of sacrifice to save humanity from extinction Moharram, the first month of Islamic Calendar, brings along with it a feeling of great sadness and sorrow in the heart of every Muslim. It is a month in which we commemorate Imam Hussain's (pbuh) victory in martyrdom, a victory which has permanently preserved the true Islam till the Day of Judgment. Almighty God has called this a "Momentous Sacrifice" i.e. "Zibhin Aazeem" in Holy Quran, chapter As-Saffat (37:107). We are all forever indebted to Imam Hussain (pbuh) for his great sacrifice. Let us join together and commemorate this loss and learn from the example of Imam Hussain (pbuh). Do you know, what is the Tragedy of Karbala?
The Tragedy of Karbala is about one man, Hussain, who stood against oppression and sacrificed his life and the lives of his companions, his loved ones, his family, his children, including his 6-month-old baby, in the fight against injustice.
No man's death in the history of mankind has been commemorated for as long as 14 centuries, year after year, in the same way as Hussain's death. The message of Hussain at the battle Karbala is universal and applies to every day and age. Come and find out more about this great man and this great tragedy in history. more...

1 comment:

Online Quran Academy said...

Inspirational article on "The Karbala: Story of Sacrifice to Save Humanity from Extinction"! Thanks to the author for capturing the essence of this historic event. For further spiritual insights, check out QAF Quran Academy.